beauty and fitness

City Farm Turkey Trot 10K

Yesterday was the City Farm Turkey Trot 10k through Griffith Park. My goal for this race was to run without stopping (except at hydration stations). And I did it!


This was my best race pace yet. I don’t have my chip time yet though, so I’m not sure how the race paced me.
I’m especially happy about it because most of the run was on dirt, some of it sandy, so it was a bit uneven and I had to be careful. It was a very pleasant route in the park, and I like the juxtaposition of the massive park right next to the freeway. I might try running there again soon.

I’m also excited to have a Garmin! It was a surprise from 유씨, in purple of course. This thing is pretty awesome. I programmed my desired pace into the watch, and it beeped me whenever I was running too fast or slow.


pile-on-the-miles-2013This week brings to a total of 30 miles running and 12 miles hiking. Not great, so I’ll have to step it up if I want to make my 75-mile goal for November.

How was your weekend?

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