beauty and fitness

Friday Five: Five Fitness Goals

Friday Five Fitness Goals

Linking up with Eat Pray Run DC (and thank goodness for this because I’ve completely run out of blog post ideas)

Friday Five Fitness Goals

  1. Be half marathon-ready at all times. I think I might be pretty close to this. After all, I didn’t train too much for the Hollywood Half, and I did Not Badly. If I can do at least one 6-mile run a week, I think I can continue to run half marathons Not Badly. How awesome would it be to decide to run a half just like that? But another goal is to
  2. Run a half marathon in 2-ish hours. I did the math and I’d have to run at a ~9 minute/mile pace. I’m not anywhere close to that. So I’ll have to keep training, and work on speed, too. It won’t happen this year, but it will happen.
  3. Hike from a trailhead in Montrose to one in Burbank. I think that’s ~13 miles. At the top of the Verdugos (only ~3 miles up), it’s a pretty flat access road, so this is completely doable. I just have to stop complaining about the heat and get to it.
  4. Hike to Mt. Wilson. This has been a goal for a while now, but I haven’t even been hiking in months. Too hot, boo hoo.
  5. Do an unassisted pull-up. Body Beast is getting me closer to this goal – I moved the pin to 54 lbs on the assisted pull-up machine this week. And then, I moved it to 48 lbs and did 5 more. Slowly but surely, I’m making progress. And losing bra fat. Win-win.

What are your goals?



 Summer Slim down, Brazil Butt Lift, Shaun T, T25, Beachbody challenge pack specialsThis post contains my Beachbody affiliate link. Thank you for supporting Blush and Barbells and good luck on your fitness journey.

30 thoughts on “Friday Five: Five Fitness Goals

  1. I love the goal of being half marathon ready all the time! Also…I think a LOT of people are struggling for blog material lately, myself included. Maybe it’s spring fever.

  2. One of my goals is to do 5 regular pushups (huge for me!) – once I accomplish that perhaps I can try the pull up – I was never able to do that as a kid in gym class.

    1. If *I* could progress to regular pushups, I have no doubt that you can, too. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

    1. You just never know if you’re going to have an opportunity to run a half and it would be a shame to miss it. Plus I just want to keep myself motivated!
      Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I have to be honest – I could do regular push-ups just fine while doing P90X, but with Body Beast I’m back on my knees. My chest and arms are way too tired for them when they come in the workout!

  3. Always being half marathon ready is a really cool goal. I LOVE that I want to be there someday! OK, doing an unassisted pull-up…something I trained for, for a year in college and still could not do it! AH! I hope you make it!!! Have a great weekend!

    1. I read an article in the NYT once that some people will never be able to do it because of some anatomical reason. I don’t know if that will apply to me or not – I’ll have to keep trying.

    1. Hiking and trail runs are the best of everything – outdoors, exercise, wildlife…I just love it!

  4. great goals! i agree completely with the first two, i want to be able to run a half marathon at any time + do it under 2 hours. we’ll see! have a great weekend!

  5. I run between and 8-9 minute pace, so in theory, I could run it in 2ish! However, I think I’d probably end up taking breaks and walking, so not really….haha.

    1. Holy cow, that’s fast! I run about 11 minutes/mile and I take walk breaks, so I have a lot of work to do.

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