beauty and fitness

Important Things To Consider Before Buying Your First Juicer

Juicing has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Juicers extract the nutrients and minerals from fruit and vegetables to create a tasty drink instead. So instead of eating your veg or fruit, you can drink it instead and still get all of the same benefits. For many it’s a more convenient way of leading a healthier lifestyle. It makes it easier to eat the recommended daily fruit and veg amount and helps to maintain a healthy weight. Juicers vary in price, quality and size, so if juicing is something you might try, you need to choose carefully. Here are some important things you need to consider before buying your first juicer.


Juicer with fruit



Your budget


Before you do anything else, you need to work out just how much you are willing to spend on your juicer. They can vary drastically in price, but the most expensive models aren’t always necessarily the best. Think about how much you intend to use your new juicer. If you want to use it multiple times per day, it may be worth investing in a top of the range juicer. Whereas if you want to use to experiment every once and awhile, a cheaper option should suffice. You also need to consider your budget for your ingredients. You’d be surprised just how much fruit, veg and other ingredients you will need to make one drink. Take a look at All Recipes for juice recipes that will tell you just how much you need to buy each time.


kale apple ginger juice



Your available time


To make sure you get the best juicer to fit into your lifestyle, you need to consider how much time you have. Otherwise, the juicer you choose may not be fit for purpose. As well as taking the time to cut up your fruit and veg, you also need to think about how long it will take to juice fully. Different models will vary in how quickly they can extract. So if you want to make juice when you’re in a rush before work, you might want to look at models with a faster process. Whereas if you have plenty of time to spare a slightly slower juicer would be ideal. Read customer reviews and ask juicing experts for their recommendations.





How easy it is to clean


As tasty as your juiced drinks might be, you also need to consider cleaning your new juicer. You don’t want to invest your money into something that is going to be too difficult to clean each time. The last thing you want is mould developing on the inside. But if a juicer is hard to clean this could easily happen. It may also put you off using it if the cleaning process takes too long or there are too many hard to reach areas. Look for models like Breville and Jack Lalanne that have detachable pieces which make the juicer easier to clean.


Hopefully, this guide will help you find the perfect juicer for you and encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle by looking after your body. Find out as much as you can before you buy and you’ll become a juicing pro in no time.


2 thoughts on “Important Things To Consider Before Buying Your First Juicer

  1. I like that you put time as something to consider because it can be time consuming to clean, remove stems/tops/ends. I did not realize that some models may perform quicker or slower though.

    Mold developing is another good point. There are such small nooks and crannies that I wouldn’t even consider when looking at a juicer but I know it is true when I think of my blender or Ninja.

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