beauty and fitness

The Complete Guide To Looking After Your Body This Year

Welcome to 2016! It’s a new year, and time for a new you. We all set ourselves goals in January, and it’s no secret that most of them focus on health and fitness. We all indulge over the Christmas period, and we’re looking to detox in the new year! However, how often do you find yourself giving up those good habits by February? Today, we’re going to help you work towards a more sustainable approach.


We’re not talking about flash diets or the latest craze. We’re talking about simple, sensible changes to your diet and exercise routines. When you make small changes, it’s easier to keep up, and it all makes a difference. We’ll look at everything from body health to mental health, and everything in between. Let’s jump straight in, shall we?


Dana hace Yoga en la Playa

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Drink more water


We’ll start with the easiest change on the list! All of us could squeeze an extra few glasses of water into our daily routine. You won’t believe the difference it makes to your body and overall health. The first thing you’ll notice is clearer, smoother skin. H2O is great for clearing out those pores, and replenishing skin cells. Start 2016 with glowing, radiant skin! Water is also great for our digestive systems too, helping you absorb nutrients better. Best of all, water gives you a lot more energy, boosting your mood and activity levels.


Drink less alcohol!


We all enjoy a tipple over Christmas, and many of us turn away from alcohol during January. However, rather than cutting it out completely, why not just commit to a smaller intake? Cutting things out of your diet completely just leads to cravings. After a while, we all fall back into old habits. Instead, just lower the amount you take in. Experts recommend having just one glass of wine per day. Try to stick to a more sensible intake throughout the year.


Eat a rainbow


We’ve all tried fad diets and crazy supplements in our time! In our experience, they rarely work, and they’re impossible to stick to over time. Instead of signing up to the latest craze, simply commit to increasing your range of nutrients. The best way to do this is by eating a rainbow! When you’re making your meals, try to include as many colours as possible. In general, the more colours you eat (ie, colourful fruits and vegetables), the better the range of vitamins and nutrients. Our favourite way to get tons of fruit is through smoothies. Take a look at these Green Smoothie blenders, and try to make one every day.


Find an exercise you love


Working out a couple of times a week is the best way to keep your body in tip-top shape. A good range of cardio exercises will keep your body toned and slim. But, best of all, it keeps your heart and lungs healthy. It gets your muscles moving, and improves blood flow. Perhaps best of all, it boosts your mood, and gives you more energy. The best way to squeeze in this cardio work is by finding an exercise you love. Pounding away at the treadmill will eventually build resentment. Look for a team sport you love, or experiment with a new exercise class.



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Try meditating


So far, we’ve covered your physical health. But, what about your mental health? It’s becoming increasingly important to look after your mood and your personal wellbeing. The entire body is connected; so if your brain is feeling low, it will drag down your whole body. Make 2016 the year you combat stress and anxiety. One of our top recommendations is to try meditation or yoga on a regular basis. Take the time to clear your mind, and find some peace and relaxation. It’ll make a huge difference to your day!


Switch up your bad health habits


It’s totally fine to have one or two bad habits and vices. Everything in moderation, right? If you want a snack every now and then, don’t chastise yourself for it! But, if you’ve got some regular bad habits, you could try switching them for healthier alternatives. If you know you always get snack cravings at 3pm, keep some nuts next to your desk (rather than reaching for the chocolate!) If you love filling your coffee full of sugar, try a sweetener instead. Don’t cut things out, just change them up for healthier options.


Embrace superfoods


The media is always talking about the best new superfoods. While they may sound like hype, there is a certain logic to the claims. The likes of spinach, kale, quinoa are packed full of goodness. They’re well worth including into your diet. Not only that, but they make exciting new additions to your everyday meals. Use this opportunity to get a little more creative, and experiment with superfood recipes.


Get more sleep


The experts suggest we need at least seven hours of sleep. Ideally, most of us need eight. Now, let’s be honest, how many of us actually get that much rest on a daily basis? Getting a good night’s sleep improves our mood, and helps our body regenerate. It’s good for our appearance, and a solid eight hours will do wonders for your skin. Best of all, you’ll be more productive and active at work, and with exercise. Try getting to bed an hour earlier every night.


Check your body regularly


As well as everyday health, it’s important to be aware of more serious conditions. If you don’t already, start checking your body for any irregularities, lumps and bumps. Make sure you know you’re body, so you get a good sense of what’s normal. We’re all different, so it’s only you know what feels right and wrong. Make this a regular habit over the next year.


We hope this guide helps you make some positive changes over the coming twelve months. Start by making small, simple changes over time; you’re much more likely to stick to them. Good luck!

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