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Literary Junkies Link-up for April

Bright Young Things trilogy

I love this monthly link-up so very much. Every month I add new books to my to-read list. I have plenty of reading to keep me busy for the next few months.

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1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it!
Bright Young Things trilogy
I’m halfway through the third book of the Bright Young Things trilogy. It’s about three young women in the roaring 20s. The books flip between the events of the friends’ lives. It’s entertaining but not can’t-put-it-down good.

2. Divergent, Hunger Games, or Twilight. Which do you prefer and why? (If you’ve never read them which do you think you’d prefer?)
I’ve read all three series. Here’s how they stack up:

  • Divergent – The tragic ending of the series left me unmoved because I really disliked the characters. I started this series because everyone was talking about it, and I finished it because I started…but I did not particularly enjoy it.
  • Twilight – Even though I despaired of the co-dependent heroine, I really liked this series. Probably because all but the last movie had been released and I could really visualize the characters.

Taylor Lautner shirtless

  • The Hunger Games – This was a great series until we got to Mockingjay. I loved that Katniss is a strong, independent heroine. But the last book really let down the series. I didn’t mind the ending because it made sense to me, but Katniss seemed so detached throughout most of the book.

3. TV Series Based on Books: they start out very close to the book to draw in the fans but then will start to separate themselves by changing things and adding characters. What are you thoughts on this?
The book is the book and the TV series/movie is the TV series/movie.
For example, I didn’t like the Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo because it didn’t add anything new to the story – it was pretty much the same as the book. And I’d just read the book so why watch the movie?

4. You’ve just been recruited to help a movie studio bring your favorite book to the big screen. What’s the movie and who are you choosing to play the main characters?
I’d love to see a movie or TV show based on Alexander McCall Smith’s 44 Scotland series. I’m not sure about the actors so I’ll let the studios cast that.
44 Scotland Street by Alexander Mccall Smith

5. Going back to the above question, do you keep it word for word the same or do you use this chance to change little things you thought would make the book better?
I’d definitely change it up a little bit – if it were exactly the same, I think it would be a bit boring.

6. After you finish a physical copy of a book do you keep it for a reread, put it on a shelf to collect dust, donate it to Goodwill, or do you just not purchase physical copies of books?
I’ve never been much of a book-buyer; I’ve usually depended on the library for my books. Sometimes I bought used books from Goodwill and those really piled up! When I got a tablet and a Kindle app last year, I donated most of my books back to Goodwill. My library has a great collection of e-books so I’m just about done with actual books.

What are you reading and do you have any suggestions for me?

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16 thoughts on “Literary Junkies Link-up for April

  1. I haven’t read the Divergent series and don’t really think I care to. Seeing what you said about it just confirms that. I feel the same way you do about the Hunger Games and I loved the Twilight series. I read the books before I saw the movies, otherwise I may not have read the books haha. I think the books were WAY better than the movie!

    1. I liked the idea of the Divergent series. Maybe the romance was the most off-putting aspect of it.

  2. I haven’t started Divergent yet but it has come highly recommended from friends. I couldn’t put down the Hunger Games and while I didn’t love the last book, it really pulled everything together. I actually felt like it had the most substance of the whole trilogy and was definitely a lot darker and deeper than the first book in the series.

  3. You had me at Jacob. LOL. I also was annoyed by codependent Bella but I totally loved the book. Of course I was imagining myself with Edward so it was no problem. ha! Interesting book choice for a movie (b/c I hadn’t heard of it). I’m also like you that when I start something, I usually have to finish it even if I dislike it…well except for my first marriage. 🙂

  4. I loved the Swedish Girl with a Dragon Tattoo because of the very reason you didn’t! Ha, it’s funny how different people are. But I also liked the American version as well. It’s really interesting to see how different countries produce their own take on the same book.

    1. It wasn’t a bad series – you might like it! It is YA though – I know some people aren’t in to that.

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