beauty and fitness

Simple Ways to Improve Your Joint Health

I was just talking to a friend about this…

Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or not, you’re probably not doing enough to look after the health of your joints. Here are a few simple ways in which you can change that though!

Stretch and Exercise

First of all, it’s no good trying to protect your joints if you’re not using them. Using them is part of what you’ll need to do to keep them in good shape. So, if you want good joint health, the answer isn’t to wrap them in cotton wool.

You should stretch every day, morning and night, even if you’re not doing any other kind of vigorous exercise. Exercise is key though. The best kinds of exercise for your joints are those that don’t put much pressure on them like swimming.


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Work on Your Posture

Getting your posture right is important for your overall health, and it’s especially vital for keeping your joints in good health. If you’re slouching in your chair and not standing up straight, it’ll be your joints that take the hit!

It’s not as easy as you might think to get your posture right though. A lot of us habitually slouch and sit incorrectly at our desks all week. Just make an effort to sit straight in a high-backed chair when you’re working and be aware of how you’re standing.

Use an Inversion Table

Getting an inversion table, sometimes called an inversion machine, is a great way of getting your joints in better condition. They also help them recover from exercise. They tip your body up and relief the pressure on your joints and muscles.

They’re especially useful if you do a lot of weightlifting. Try using one before and after every workout. You’ll start to see a difference in no time. Remember, if your joints are in better condition, you’ll be able to workout for longer and more often.

Protect Them

Your joints aren’t made of steel; they need to be protected! This is one of the simplest ways of avoiding damage to your muscles. It’s just about being sensible when you’re undertaking exercise.

If you’re doing a lot of exercise that involves running, make sure you’re wearing the right shoes. When you run, each step impacts on your knee joints, so you need your shoes to support you. Knee and elbow pads are also important if you’re doing particular sports or exercises.

Lose Some Weight

Your bones, muscles and joints support your entire body and all its weight. That means if you weigh more, you’ll be exerting extra pressure on your joints and causing them more damage. Losing weight will instantly put them under less pressure.

Every pound you lose is of benefit to your joints. So, try upping your exercise levels and change your diet to a lower calorie one. It’s not just your joints that will benefit either. As you should know, losing weight will improve your health in every way.

A lot of people don’t think about how their everyday habits and exercise routines impact upon their joints. But they need to be looked after, so follow these simple tips.



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