beauty and fitness

Sunday Social

Ross Kemp
Oh yes, it’s time for the weekly Sunday Social!
Social Sunday, A Complete Waste of Makeup
1. What is your favorite genre of music?
Too many to choose!
I do love the Latin heartthrobs of my youth, and I love the way their music has changed with their ages. I’ve seen them both Luis Miguel and Alejandro Fernandez in concert several times and they never fail to disappoint.
Luis Miguel, Alejandro Fernandez
Also from my youth are the 80s pop idols who have turned out to be more than pretty faces with flashy MTV videos. I’ve seen both of these guys in concert several times in the last couple of years, and they are seriously talented entertainers.
Prince, George Michael
But the artists with the most plays on my iPod are both British chanteuses. I saw Corinne Bailey Rae in concert once and she’s just as awesome live as she is on her CDs. Amy Winehouse live probably would have pissed me off and made me ask for my money back.
Amy Winehouse, Corinne Bailey Rae
2. What is your favorite genre of movies?
I don’t think I really have a favorite. I don’t like gory movies or slasher flicks.
3. Do you watch reality TV? If so what was the first show you remember watching?
I love HGTV shows! The first reality TV show I remember watching was Frontier House on PBS.
4. Who is an actress you’d want to be BFFs with?
Jennifer Aniston would be a good BFF – she’d give you all of her grooming and beauty tips.
5. Who is an actor you’d be happy to be stuck on an island with?
Ross Kemp seems like a good choice – he’s been in plenty of tough situations and would know how to get off the island. Or he might have a satellite phone to call for help.
Ross Kemp
What are you listening to lately? Have a great week!

8 thoughts on “Sunday Social

  1. Oh man I totally have a woman crush on her since forever.
    but sje never popped in my gigantic brain lol

    great choice.

  2. Regarding #5, someone asked me who my celebrity crush and I couldn’t think of any names. If I had to be stuck on an island with an actor, I’d possibly pick George Clooney. I love the silver fox look, but he’s probably picked up a few handy skills throughout all the different roles he’s played.

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