beauty and fitness

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Abs

Hello! How’s your fitness regime going? I hurt my shoulder recently and I’ve decided to go back to running and ab work. My legs and my tum-tum are my problem areas anyway, and while you can’t spot reduce, you can build muscle! And let’s face it; we all want killer definition and a set of abs. But, we are perpetually fed the myth that if we want definition, we have to crunch our abs morning, noon and night. Not only is this false, but you could be hurting your back in the process. If you want to make sure that you are getting amazing abs, with the desired results, you need to follow some basic tips. Implement lifestyle changes and max your workout. Don’t solely focus on your stomach, but do make sure that you are working it more than the rest of your body. This is my plan until my shoulder stops aching! So here are some things I’m going to work on:


This is key for me. The gym only accounts for ~30% of overall size. You need to make sure that you are watching the other 70% by eating properly. There is no substitute for proper nutrition. You need to avoid fatty food and high sugar calories. These are empty calories and serve no purpose. Okay, so it’s difficult to let go of [pizza. But, if you want to make sure that you are not negatively impacting on your health, you need to watch what you eat. Have these as a once-in-a-while treat. But, don’t go to excess. Be mindful of what you eat. (I should have this stenciled on my kitchen walls)

Protein, Baby!

One of the best ways to get ripped abs is to make sure that you are indulging in protein after a killer workout. Make sure that you are opting for proteins that are also abundant in omega-6. You need to make sure that you are upping your protein intake. Go for your salmon, tuna and oil rich foods too. This will not only repair your muscles after you have been in the gym, but you will also build muscle by using these foods too. Protein comes in the form of shakes and bars too. Check out blackline elite and refuel extreme. So, if you are exercising prior to working, or you are stuck for time, these are an excellent alternative. Did you know that broccoli is one of the best sources of protein too, and the great news is, is that it has little calorie content. Incredible news all round.


Exercises For Abs

Now, it’s time to focus your workout. It’s always best to make sure that you are completing a full body workout but also concentrating on your abs too. You need to do around four abs exercises per week to make sure that you are getting that amazing definition that so many of us crave. While crunches serve a purpose, don’t rely on them. They can hurt your back, and they only focus on one portion of your tummy.

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You can kick off your new regimen with the bicycle. You already know I love spin! This is a great way of making sure that your tummy is toned and taut. But, you will also need to do leg raises and ball crunches. Make sure that you are stimulating your abs muscles to their full capacity. Add weight in the form of dumbbells and balls to challenge and push you further. Of course, you can up the ante when you feel more comfortable. Don’t fear the burn, embrace it.

What do you think of these tips? Can I stick to it during the holidays? Wish me luck!

6 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide to Getting Abs

  1. I know all this yet I implement about 50% of it into my daily life 😛 Ah, well .. will have a few days off to have a nice turkey dinner and bike riding in the desert .. 2015 – must hit weights!


    1. It’s always the food part that’s the hardest for me – I like to eat!
      And yes, weightlifting is awesome (and lets you eat more heh heh)

  2. I like that you talk about doing more than crunches. And that crunches kinda suck (only you said it a lot better) because they really are tough on the back. Yet, I still see them incorporated everywhere and suggesting to do 500 every day until you get up to 3 million a day!

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