beauty and fitness

Why Cardio is Still an Important Part of a Gym Routine

So, there’s quite a debate among weightlifters about cardio…I know cardio isn’t very nice. Afterwards we feel great, but doing it can be hell! That being said, it’s still an important part of a gym routine. It’s not the most important part, but it still helps us to get where we want to be condition/health wise.


Cardio Helps to Burn Fat and Calories


Cardio helps to burn fat and calories, which is the main reason put so much emphasis on it. However, it only works this way if you do it right. Doing more than 45 minutes of cardio will burn more calories, but you’ll eat away at your muscle while you do it, leaving yourself ‘skinny fat’. You won’t change the shape of your body in the way you want! It isn’t all about calories. If you do a HIIT cardio session, or even a steady state session for up to 45 minutes, your body can continue to burn fat and calories even after you’ve finished. That’s the effect you want it to have on your body!


Cardio Keep the Cardiovascular System Healthy


Keeping the cardiovascular system healthy is important. Some people don’t technically need to do any cardio because their body type doesn’t hold fat easily and builds muscle well. However, it’s useful to do a couple short sessions a week just for your cardiovascular system.

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Cardio Helps to Keep Things Interesting


I find that cardio can help to keep things interesting my gym routine. I love weights, but sometimes it is nice to hop on the stairmaster for a change. You can make your cardio as interesting as you like. HIIT on the bike, steady state on the stepmill, uphill sprints on the treadmill…the list is endless! There’s no reason to do any cardio session exactly the same twice. I think the cross trainer benefits are a great reason to hop on even if it’s just for a short while!


Cardio Speeds Your Metabolism


Cardio should help to speed up your metabolism even while you’re not doing it, as long as you do it right. Some say that HIIT can help to keep your metabolism revved up for days afterwards! If you feel your metabolism is lagging in some way, adding a few sessions of HIIT into your routine every week should make a big difference.


Cardio can Improve Your Ability to Recover


When you hop on the treadmill or cross trainer for a bit of steady state after a lifting session, it can actually help your body to recover quicker. It can help you to avoid muscle soreness, and DOMS especially. DOMS is ridiculously painful, so anything that can keep that at bay is a must in my eyes! I also find that steady state cardio is a great way to gather my thoughts or even catch up on an episode of a TV series.


What do you think of my take on cardio? Let me know how much you currently do and what your favorite kind is! I love trying out new ways to mix up my cardio. Thanks for reading – see you again soon!


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