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4 Exercises that can Help Manage Diabetes

If you are suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, sparing some time to exercise can be extremely beneficial to your health. By staying fit and active, you can better control your diabetes since it helps maintain your blood glucose level and reduce your stress levels.


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According to the American Diabetes Association, exercising is a critical step for optimum health for individuals with diabetes. When you exercise, your body converts glucose and blood sugar to fuel. Over time, your body can reduce its resistance to insulin, improving its sensitivity to the drug.

What Type of Exercise Should You Perform and How Much of it is Sufficient?

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend taking part in moderate-intensity activities for about 150 to 300 minutes every week. You do not have to hit the exact minutes if you are starting. Once you start, you can slowly increase the minutes you spend exercising over time.

However, if you have type 2 diabetes or are at risk of suffering from the condition, you should exercise daily and not let more than two days pass without physical activity.

There are plenty of exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine, including:


  • Tai Chi: To Reduce Stress and Strengthen your Balance


Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese form of exercise that involves a series of slow and smooth body movements alongside controlled breathing. A study published in the SAGE journals indicates its efficiency in controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

Tai Chi can also help to improve your mental health, energy, and vitality.


  • Weight Training: To build strength and maintain Muscles


Weight training helps you build muscle mass, which helps your body maintain its blood sugar. It is particularly beneficial if you have type 2 diabetes. The more muscles you use, the better your body gets at controlling your blood glucose level.

You can include resistance-style exercises at least twice a week in your diabetes management plan. It involves the use of free weights, resistance bands, and machines.

Always be careful when using heavy equipment to prevent any injuries. Lifting heavy weights can cause calluses. However, although they are a natural part of the training process, they can become a nuisance once they rip. An excellent crossfit hand care method, like wearing gloves or using wax can prevent rips and calluses.


  • Yoga: To help reduce Stress and Control Blood Sugar


Yoga is another traditional form of exercise that involves movements that help you build your strength, balance, and flexibility. Research shows that it has positive effects on lowering the levels of stress and improving nerve function. According to Medical News Today, yoga can also help control glucose levels in the body of adults with type 2 diabetes.


Swimming: Leaves you feeling refreshed


Aerobic exercises are an essential part of a diabetes management plan. One ideal activity you can include is swimming. It is especially suitable if you have type 2 diabetes since it alleviates pressure from the joints.

Swimming also helps to balance your cholesterol levels and lower your stress levels. You can include swimming exercises in your workout plan at least thrice in a week.

Summing Up

If you have type 2 diabetes, a good diet and exercise are the two most essential components in your treatment plan. The benefits of exercising cannot be overstated. It can help you strengthen your muscles, lower your cholesterol levels, lower your blood pressure, and manage your diabetes. However, before you start any exercise program, it is best to consult a physician who can recommend an appropriate and safe physical activity that you can take on.

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