beauty and fitness

Top Four Reasons to Mix up Your Diet and Exercise


Image by Luisella Planeta Leoni from Pixabay 

We all know that diet and exercise plans can be challenging to stick to and that is why when you’re looking for results you do need to think of your lifestyle as a whole rather than just doing something new for a quick fix. If you eat the same breakfast every day and the same lunch and dinner then at first you may see results, but after a while, your body will get used to it, and it will just become a way of life, it’s the same with exercise, if you do the same things over and over again eventually you’ll just find it easy and find yourself stuck in a rut again. If you want to continue to feel the benefits of eating well and exercising, then it’s important to change what you do. Here are four more reasons why it’s essential to change things up:

So that you won’t get bored

Whether it’s eating or exercising, everyone knows that feeling of not wanting to do it. Not fancying that salad you made and brought into work or not wanting to go to the gym, but if you mix things up a bit, you’ll find that you get more excited about what you’re eating and what you’re doing. For example, if you try new recipes, you’ll look forward to having them, and there is so much choice out there, you never have to get bored. You can find some great recipes for smoothies from Kirsten Blake, you can find some breakfast lunches and dinners for low carb diets, low-fat diets, you name it – it’s all there on the internet for the taking. Equally, if you try new exercises, then you might find yourself excited about going to a Zumba class after work rather than going for a run on the same old route you usually do. This is going to make it far easier to stick to and help you to achieve your goals.

To prevent injuries

When you’re doing the same workout over and over again, you’re using the same muscles over and over again; this can commonly cause repetitive strain injury. If you end up doing this, then you could find yourself out of action and unable to do any exercise at all. By mixing up your exercise routines, you give the different muscles a chance to rest and then if you do injure yourself you won’t strain the same part of the body again but will still be able to stay in shape while healing.

To Build New Muscles

If you want a healthy body all over, then it’s essential to focus on all your muscles and all areas. It’s not just about how your body looks either, but how it works. For example, if you do a little bit of everything, then you’ll build a healthy heart, strong legs and a muscular upper body. Then not only will you look and feel great but you’ll be able to do so many different sports and activities too.

To keep your brain healthy

Exercise isn’t just for your body; it’s for your mind too and is essential for keeping your brain sharp. Learning new skills and a new exercise activity is excellent for brain health and your memory. So, what’s not to love?


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