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Life After Quarantine: How to Get Your Health and Fitness Back on Track

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After spending months and months at home and out of a routine, you may be feeling some trepidation about getting back to normal. The quarantine has affected everyone differently; some have enjoyed the extra time at home, whereas others have found it incredibly stressful. Whichever camp you fall into, the one thing you can be sure of is that this has been a highly unique situation and like nothing you have ever known before.

As life slowly begins to get back to normal, you may feel excited about the prospect of doing more of the things you could do before COVID-19. You may be looking forward to getting back to some form of normality, but also feeling out of condition. All the time spent at home may have made your fitness levels drop, and your regular good habits may have been neglected. This is entirely understandable as this has been a unique situation. However, you may feel that now is the time to take those first steps towards getting your health and fitness back on track. If you are hoping to emerge from quarantine feeling fitter, healthier, and ready for whatever life throws at you, then these tips could help:

Establish a Sleep Pattern

With everyday events on hold, and social distancing measures in place, your regular daily habits and activities are likely to be on the back burner for the time being. Staying at home and not taking part in your usual activities may have left you finding it hard to sleep and staying up later to try and tire yourself. As the months continue, you may find that you are in the habit of staying up late, but also sleeping in each morning. This is fine when you have nothing else to do, but it can become an issue when you need to head back to work.

Sleep is essential to both health and wellbeing, so making sure that you get enough rest each night is vital. If you have gotten into unhealthy sleeping habits during the lockdown, it is better to start getting into a normal routine again sooner rather than later. To get back into a healthy sleep pattern, you could try going to bed at the same time each evening and waking yourself up at the same time each morning. Establishing a routine will help to ease you back into a regular sleep pattern. This will help ensure that those early morning starts aren’t such a shock when you return to work.

Get Back in Shape

Both research and anecdotal evidence shows that a lot of people have gained weight during the lockdown period, so if you have put on a few pounds, you certainly aren’t the only one. Going out less, gyms, and sports classes being cancelled, plus comfort eating are all factors that could have led to some quarantine weight gain. If you are keen to try and get back in shape now that the world is starting to reopen after lockdown, there are a few things that you can do to help. You may want to look into the Best Fat Burning Supplements for Women to kickstart your weight loss.

If you are planning to get active to help shed the pounds, then why not try a new form of exercise to make it fun? If the quarantine has left you keen for human interaction and you want to make new friends, why not join a fitness class, so that you can work out and meet people at the same time. If you are struggling to get motivated, choose a fun activity to improve your fitness. Roller skating, trampolining, or salsa dancing are all great fun and an excellent form of exercise. It doesn’t matter which type of physical activity you choose; it is more important that you enjoy doing it and that you feel motivated to keep going.

Nourish Your Body

If you have overindulged in comfort food during quarantine, the chances are you are feeling a little sluggish and lethargic. High-fat foods and foods with high sugar content can leave you feeling demotivated and lacking in energy. If you are hoping to feel full of energy and vitality for your return to ‘normal life’, then your diet is an excellent place to start.

Everyone knows that eating junk food is bad for you, but eating these types of foods can become a habit. However, choosing foods that are good for you will nourish your body and make you feel and look better both inside and out. When you decide to eat healthily, you are choosing to give your body everything that it needs to function at its best. Eating a balanced diet is essential for helping you to take care of your health and to feel ready to venture out into the world once again. When you first return to your regular schedule, you may find that you feel incredibly tired at the end of each day, as you haven’t been used to being so busy. Eating a balanced diet can help you to feel energized and ready to face the day.

As well as eating foods that nourish your body, it is also essential to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is essential to helping your organs to function correctly. However, drinking too much water can be bad for you. Drinking water doesn’t just help the inside of your body; it also benefits your appearance, many people find that drinking water helps their skin to look more hydrated and also helps to keep their complexion clear.


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Start Slow

Emerging back into everyday life after months spent at home can be exhausting. Even if you are feeling ready to return to your old routine, it will still take some time to adjust to being busy and active once again. You mustn’t put too much pressure on yourself to rush out and do everything at once.

It is a wise idea to take things slowly and allow yourself to adjust to being back in a routine. You may feel more tired than you would usually while you get used to being back at work, so it is crucial that you don’t push yourself to do everything at once; otherwise, you could find yourself feeling exhausted and run down after your first week back.

Slowly building back up to your usual level of activity while trying to keep yourself as healthy as you can is the best way to adjust without leaving yourself feeling tired and stressed.

Take Care of Yourself

When you return to everyday life after quarantine, you may find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed. This is perfectly natural and highlights the need to take care of yourself. Try not to put yourself under too much pressure during this period of adjustment. Instead, help yourself to feel better by looking after both your health and your wellbeing. Feeling fit and healthy requires a holistic approach. Regaining your fitness levels may take a little while, but don’t pressurize yourself by trying to push too hard, too fast. Be kind and caring to yourself, and give yourself the time to rest and restore your sense of wellbeing.

Focusing on taking care of yourself and helping yourself to be both fit and healthy is the best way to get yourself back in a routine. Revisiting the basics such as getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating right will help you to not only get back on track but emerging from quarantine feeling better than ever.

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