beauty and fitness

Have You Lost Your Fitness Mojo During The Covid-19 Pandemic?

With sporting events being canceled all over the world due to the CO-VID19 (coronavirus) pandemic and gyms and fitness classes being closed and canceled, it can be challenging to stay motivated with your fitness regime.  At times like this—especially when no one knows when a sense of normality might resume—you would be forgiven if your fitness mojo disappeared.

Not only that, but many of us are trying to balance a whole host of other things that we would not usually need to think about – looking after our children while the schools are closed, working from home, being able to go out to get food and other essential supplies – and exercise can slip right to the bottom of the list.

Here, we look at some of the things that you can do to claw back some of your mojo so that when things go back to normal, whenever that may be, you are ready and raring to go.


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Make the time

When you are trying to deal with everything else on your plate at the moment, finding time to partake in exercise can be difficult. However, it is an important activity, probably more so than ever, to keep both your physical and mental health in check. Make sure that you take the time to do it – whether it is getting up half an hour early to fit in a quick session or promising yourself you will take time away from the TV at night to go for a short (socially distant!) jog around the block.

Meet up with friends – virtually!

Okay, classes and group exercise in person are a big no-no at the moment for obvious reasons, but this is the time to get creative. Virtual meeting apps and platforms such as Zoom are superb for holding an online class or to share workout tips and jolly each other up. Peer motivation can be a great way of encouraging you to get up and move.

Make plans

Making plans for a few weeks/months’ time, or even next year can be a great motivational activity. Maybe you have always wanted to do a marathon – book your space. Perhaps you have wanted to go on a cycling vacation – research it. Perhaps you want to find out more about how personal training can help you to achieve your fitness goals. By putting plans into motion, you will have something to focus on and work towards.

Reset your goals

You need to be realistic. If you have been used to lifting heavy weights and now do not have access, you may need to reset your goals. By the time you get back in the gym, you may find you have lost a little of your fitness or your strength, particularly if you have spent your lockdown period making the most out of Netflix. If you feel this is happening, try to work on your goals, but do not be embarrassed or disheartened about having to reset them a little – most people will be in the same situation as you.

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