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Breaking Down the Wall: How To Keep Going With a Workout

Starting a fitness program is tough. Whether it’s running, yoga, HITT workouts, or anything else, committing to a new kind of exercise is a big step, especially if it’s not something that you are used to. Often, making the time to workout, and sticking to your plans is almost as hard as the exercise itself. It takes motivation to get started. 

But, it often takes more motivation to push yourself forward when things have got tough, your muscles are aching, you are sweaty, and you have hit the wall. When you are out for a run, there is always a point in which you feel as though you can’t go any further. Runners often describe this as hitting the wall. If they can get past that wall, they can start thinking about hitting PBs, increasing distances, and really gaining strength and stamina. But it would be much easier to stop.

So, how do you keep going when your body is aching, and your mind is screaming at you to stop? Let’s take a look at some tips to help you to tear down that wall.

Make Sure You Are Comfortable


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If you are uncomfortable, it will be much harder to carry on. Of course, if you are working hard, your breathing might be more difficult, and your muscles will ache, this is to be expected. But, don’t make it worse by running in shoes that rub, or practicing yoga in too-tight pants. Invest in some Curves Leggings, good running shoes, and anything else that you need to take care of your body while you exercise.

Set Attainable Goals

You might need to be more realistic with yourself. If you’ve never run, you’re not going to do 10k next week. Long-term goals are great, but they need to be realistic, or you’ll become demotivated.

Break the Workout Down Somehow

During the workout, it can be helpful to break things down, to keep yourself going. Instead of trying to complete 5k, just try to get to the next lamppost, and then the one after that. Or, have a big drink after every exercise of your HITT workout.

Write Down How You Feel Before and After

If you can get past that wall, and complete your workout, you will feel amazing. But, it’s easy to forget this feeling. Write it down to remind yourself.

Find the Right Playlists

The right playlist can help to keep you going. When you are dying to stop, an upbeat song can be enough to push you forward. Alternatively, you might find interesting podcasts or audiobooks more helpful.

Visualize the Results

Think about what you hope to achieve and visualize it while you are exercising. This might be your good mood later on, as you relax, knowing that your workout is done. Or, it could be being able to run up the stairs without getting out of breath.

Keep Breathing

You might start to panic when it gets hard, so remember to breathe. Slow down, get your breathing under control, and remember, moving slowly is better than stopping.

Breaking down the wall is tough, but remember if you can do it, you’ll be gaining mental strength as well as increased muscles and stamina.

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