beauty and fitness

Fighting Back Against Common Fitness Faux Pas

Getting fit is a goal shared by millions across the country. Sadly, the vast majority fail to ever truly unlock their full potential due to making some very basic errors. If you’ve recently taken on a new plan, or have struggled to see results from your activities, there’s a good chance that you’ve fallen into those pitfalls too.

Identifying those problems will give you a far better shot at finding a formula for ongoing success. Here are some of the most common culprits, along with what can be done to overcome them in style.



Focusing Exclusively On A Single Goal

Most people begin their fitness plan with a single goal in mind. This could range from losing a few pounds to gaining stronger biceps or preparing for a marathon. While it’s great to have your sights set on a specific target, improving your entire body is the only way to truly maximize your progress.

When trying to lose stubborn belly fat, for example, it’s equally crucial to tone up your arms, legs, and bum. Meanwhile, when aiming to improve sporting performance, a strong core can be hugely influential. Upgrading your general health and fitness establishes the platform for your journey to the more specific goals.

Besides, dedicating yourself to a single goal can result in lost motivation should you fall short. Whether it’s missing your target weight or another aim, those setbacks can be telling. Thankfully, when you’ve still managed to achieve success elsewhere, it should prevent you from falling off the wagon.

Not Combining Exercise And Nutrition

The human body is extremely complex, and there are many factors which contribute to your size, shape, and fitness levels. Generally speaking, weight is determined by calories consumed and energy expelled during exercise. So, if you’re going to make improvements to one aspect, it’s imperative that you appreciate the other.

Then again, it can be equally problematic to fall into the trap of simply counting calories. Different food groups have varying impacts on the human body. Therefore, fuelling your body with the right stuff is crucial. The Wheygan diet plan for health and fitness highlights the need to fuel your workouts as well as think about those body image goals. Those solid foundations can only have a positive impact.



Similarly, though, a lot of dieters focus solely on the food intake. Missing out on physical activity will slow metabolism rates and physical progress. Given the emotional benefits too, you’d be a fool to miss out any longer.

Working Solely Towards Short-Term Goals

Aside from professional athletes, who will have the discipline to look at the long game, most people focus on instant goals. It’s only natural that you wish to see noticeable improvements within the first few weeks of starting a health kick or training strategy. However, that progress is only worthwhile when it is followed by sustained results, which is why you must keep one eye on the future.

There’s nothing wrong with using short-term goals and milestones along the way. After all, manageable targets will make it far easier to remain motivated while you’ll also gain a confidence boost with each triumph. Nevertheless, the clue is in the title, and those upgrades should be life rather than a short period. Frankly, falling back into those old mistakes is probably the most common mistake of all.

Long-term goals may evolve as your body becomes fitter and you find new passions within the health and fitness arena. Nonetheless, a combination of short-term and ongoing goals is the only way you’ll ever truly succeed.

Making Fitness Seem Tedious



As already touched upon, mental stimulation is an important factor for any fitness strategy. When starting a new health kick, the novelty should be more than enough to drag you through those barriers. Once that initial motivation dies down, though, boredom can quickly disrupt your progress. Worst still, as soon as you start missing sessions, it’s almost impossible to get back into the swing of things.

So, finding ways to prevent fitness from becoming boring should be considered a priority. Even if it means using technology to add a competitive nature, maintaining that motivation is essential. On a similar note, if mixing things up by playing sports stops you from turning your back on exercise, it’s a worthy addition.

Tediousness doesn’t only come from the types of exercises you choose. In truth, your physical activities are only one part of your life, and they need to fit the rest of the puzzle. Incorporating ideas like cycling to work or building a home gym may make all the difference in your bid to stay on the right track.

Being Too Generic

All exercise is good exercise, which is why any activity is better than none. However, it would be very naïve to think that all workouts provide the same results. While enjoyment is a key factor, anyone seeking optimum results needs to find a strategy that works. The only way to truly do this is to ensure that it is personalized for you.

It’s very easy to fall into a trap of simply running X kilometers each week or following a basic weights routine off the internet. Unfortunately, this will limit your outcomes greatly, especially if you don’t understand the intricacies of how the body works. Finding a personal trainer ensures that each workout is an effective one, not least because it will be built for your body type and fitness goals.



On a separate note, the human body is particularly quick to adapt to those workouts. Therefore, keeping it on its toes with varied plans will bring better results while also aiding the fun factor.

Not Tracking Progress

There is no real rush to reach your goals and, as long as you’re moving in the right direction, it’s all good. Nonetheless, removing that sense or urgency can be very damaging for some people. Regardless of how much pressure you place on yourself, though, it’s vital that you track the progress. After all, it’s impossible to stay on the right track when you haven’t got any genuine sense of direction.

Tracking progress can give you increased motivation when you are doing well. Moreover, it tells you to reevaluate the things you’re doing when it’s not going well. Persisting with unsuccessful plans for a few months is one of the main reasons that so many people give up. Nobody wants to work out and watch what they eat if there isn’t any reward on offer.

It’s also very important to remember that the scales are only one barometer. The mirror will tell you as much as any physical measurements. Most importantly, great health is about feeling your very best. While the image and appearance will naturally hold a huge influence, the improved feelings are the real reward. Treasure this benefit, and you won’t go far wrong.


Overlooking Limitations



Everyone’s situation is unique, and the individual obstacles must be appreciated. One of the most common in today’s climate relates to food. Whether it’s an intolerance to dairy or problems with wheat and other items doesn’t matter. Continuing to consume those foods will make daily life uncomfortable while reducing your energy levels too.

Physical limitations regarding exercise should also be considered. If you’ve picked up an injury, wearing the right supports and attire can make a huge impact. On a similar note, it’s always imperative that you give your body enough time to recuperate from those workouts. Even if you don’t have injuries, sleep is the time for your body to repair itself while allowing the muscles to grow.

We all have an individual health and fitness pathway to follow. Even when you utilize the support of a friend or relative, knowing what’s best for you is essential. As long as you do this, staying on the right track for sustained should feel far easier. If that doesn’t help you finally steer clear of those hurdles, what will?

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