beauty and fitness

Get The Ball Rolling On Your Healthy Eating Habits



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Given that it’s broadcasted into our consciousness on an almost bio-minutely basis, we all know that we need to eat healthy foods, enjoy a healthier diet and, basically, keep up with much healthier day-to-day eating habits. The problem is, have you actually tried to do this? It’s almost as impossible. It’s one of those missions that proves there is a huge difference between saying and doing; talking and walking.

Of course, the biggest struggles are a) not having enough time on our hands and b) not having the energy. But trust us, adopting healthy eating habits are well worth the effort and, once you’ve got into the swing of things, you’ll find that it becomes a doddle; you’ll find yourself enjoying a healthier lifestyle while cruising on autopilot. The challenge is getting started.

So, without further ado, here are our top tips for building that healthy eating habit you have always wanted to chow down on:

1. Know What’s Awesome About It

For those that struggle with willpower, a great driving force is desire. It is knowing why something is worth fighting for and, in the case of healthy eating, there are plenty of big benefits to choose from. Increased performance when working out, looking a hundred times better and feeling healthier than a blueberry smoothie. Whatever your desires are, write it on a piece of paper and then stick it somewhere in your kitchen you will see it every day.

2. Always, Always Go Green

If you really don’t know where to start or really don’t have the time to commit with as much gusto as you would like, follow this one simple rule: the more greens the better. Seriously. Pile them on. Accept the bulk of your diet should be veggies and then make that the biggest part of your grocery shop. Spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, mushrooms and any other veggie that can be used in a thousand different recipes.

3. Call In Some Sort Of Help

The first time anyone steps into a gym, they get hit by this massive wave of intimidation. You see all these fit people using machines you’ve never seen before and you panic. So, what do you do, you schedule a session with a personal trainer, someone who will assess your body type and your goals and then teach you how to use certain machines. You can do the same with your healthy eating needs. Speak to a specialist and have them help you with your nutritious menu development hopes and dreams, or speak to a dietician about your body type and what you should be eating to reach your goals. Knowing how to get started, knowing what will work for you and be getting guidance on how to keep going is a great way to get that healthy ball rolling.

4. Keep A Journal Of It All

You may be thinking, “come on, how am I going to keep a journal of my diet when I don’t even have time to cook a healthy meal?” And we get it. But what if you had an inspiring slice of encouragement to help, by which we mean this fact: people who write down what they’ve eaten after every meal are twice as likely to lose weight as those who don’t. Mmm hmm, that’s what we thought. It’s time for you to pop a pen by the washing up bowl.

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