beauty and fitness

Is It Healthy To Be Self-Employed?

Is It Healthy To Be Self-Employed? 


If you’re considering becoming self-employed but worried that your health will suffer because of it, you won’t be alone. There is an idea that being self-employed means that you will be more unhealthy, more stressed, and less able to find time to see your doctor when it is necessary. Add to that that being self-employed can make it difficult to obtain health insurance, and you can see why many people stick to working for other people. 


The truth, however, is that there are several health benefits to being self-employed, and if it is something you truly want to do, then your health shouldn’t be the thing that stops you. Read on to find out more. 

Image from Pixabay



The biggest issue that many people have when it comes to being self-employed in relation to their health is the stress levels involved. It’s true that it can be stressful, especially if you are a sole trader and there is no one there to bounce ideas off or ask advice from. However, there are ways that you can combat this stress, including making sure that you have a start and finish time, and that you get fresh air during the day. You can also schedule breaks where you look at, read a book, go for a walk, or do anything other than work. 


Remember that working for someone can be even more stressful. You will have specific targets to deal with and someone constantly checking up on what you are doing. Even if you are doing a good job, this can make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable and ultimately more stressed out. 



Business owners are busy people, and you may think that you won’t have much time to do any exercise if you start your own business. If you love to go running or head to the gym, or there is a specific class that you like going to now that you are working for someone else, will you still be able to do these things when you run your own business? 


The answer is yes – and you’ll be able to do much more besides. Although it is hard work when you start a new business, the positive side is that you have as much freedom as you want. Arrange your meetings and opening hours around your exercise routine, and make sure you leave time to at least go for a brisk walk once a day, even if you aren’t doing any other form of exercise



Something else that can work in your favor when you run your own business is having a healthy diet. When you work for someone else, lunchtimes can often be spent at your desk, eating something quick and non-nutritious, if you eat at all. Working long hours means that you can choose takeout over cooking something fresh, or perhaps microwaving a TV dinner. 


Being self-employed doesn’t automatically mean that you will suddenly be able to eat better, but it will give you the chance to take a look at all aspects of your life and make sure that you change things for the better – that includes making time to eat well and healthily. 

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