beauty and fitness

What It Takes To Lose Weight & Keep It Off



If you decide that you want to lose weight, then you’ll need a plan. It’s not an objective you can tackle on a whim and hope for the best.

It’s not just about losing the weight but also keeping it off in the long-term. While it may not be an easy journey, it is possible to drop extra pounds and feel better and good about yourself. You must understand the basics around what it’ll take to lose the weight and make sure it stays off so you can return to better health and be happy about the way you look.

Setting Goals

Losing weight and making sure it stays off all starts by setting goals for what you want to achieve over time. For instance, it may be that you want to start working out five times per week or start cooking for yourself at home. It’s going to require you to change certain habits and ways and make sure that you’re doing what’s in your power to live a healthy lifestyle. Come up with a realistic and reasonable amount you want to lose and when you want to lose it by and then step on the scale at least weekly to track your progress.

Diet & Exercise

It also takes a combination of paying attention to both your diet and exercise habits. If you want to lose weight and keep it off then it’s unlikely that one or the other will work for you. Instead, you should be working out regularly and tracking what you eat. The good news is that you don’t need to give up all foods or foods that you crave but may be unhealthy for you. As an alternative, you can find more nutritious versions of the favorite foods you enjoy eating. For instance, this healthy mac and cheese with vegetables is a wise alternative to the boxed version. In addition to diet and exercise, you should take better care of yourself overall such as getting more and better sleep and reducing screen time.


Losing weight ultimately takes time and patience and will require you to burn more calories than you eat. You can’t expect to begin a goal today and lose several pounds tomorrow. In most cases, it can take months if not years to lose all the weight you wish to take off. Be patient with yourself and your new way of living and celebrate the small successes along the way to stay motivated to hit the gym and eat right. If you try to find a quick fix you may get frustrated and give up on the goal completely.

Dedication & Perseverance

When thinking about weight loss and keeping the pounds off it’s also about dedication and perseverance. You have to be dedicated to sticking to your new behaviors and habits and not cheating or cutting corners. You must persevere through the ups and downs with your head held high and not let small setbacks stop you from reaching your end goal. You must self-monitor and be honest with yourself about how you’re eating and living your life.

A Support Network

Losing weight and keeping it off also requires you to have a support network. You must have people around who are cheering you on and want what’s best for you. You’ll need people in your life who are encouraging and will help you stay the course. It may be that you find an accountability workout partner or that you ask your spouse to start cooking healthy meals with you. There are also gyms you can join or healthy eating and nutrition groups where you can come together with others who are after a similar goal and want to lose weight. Find your circle of supporters and interact with them more often and distance yourself from anyone who you believe isn’t helping or doesn’t have your best interest in mind.


Losing weight and keeping it off can be tricky and even frustrating at times. However, this is no reason to quit before you start. Apply these tips and make some lifestyle changes and then see where it takes you. Remember that it all begins by setting small, specific, and realistic goals that are attainable with a little hard work and effort on your part. Remind yourself daily that it’s a journey and process and that while you may not see results right away, they’re likely around the corner if you keep at it. Hopefully, you now feel more motivated than ever to begin making yourself and your health a priority.  

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