beauty and fitness

I watermarbled my nails

Hello friends! After months of working a lot, I’ve taken some time off. I spend my days hanging out at the gym, reading murder mysteries, and snuggling my cat. So relaxing!

Since I’ve got some time on my hands, I decided to try watermarbling my nails. It’s something I’d wanted to try for years, but I never got around to it. But I’ve done it for the first, and definitely not the last time!

I sought out a few tutorials on YouTube, and the one that helped me the most was “No Pressure! Watermarble” fromĀ  Ohmygoshpolish

Here’s the YouTube link:

This video was perfect for a beginner like me! I love the idea of just having fun with it. Definitely watch it if you want to try watermarbling too.

I used these colors:

Just a few colors that I thought would like nice together: Avon Jade, Avon Olive Green, and China Glaze Snow. I used the white polish as a base coat and as the first ring in the water, and it really lightened up the patterns.

Anyway – here are a few things I learned from this process:

*Watermarbled polish dries fast. So I just got on with the top coat pretty quickly.

*No problem with wrapping the tips with watermarbling; the polish gets every.part of my fingernail. EVERY PART.

*I tried to put two fingers at a time in the watermarble – sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn’t. Index and middle fingers together seems to be fine for each hand, but the pinky and ring finger duo was a mess and I had to redo it.

*I could not for the life of me get tape to stick to my fingers. I tried baby oil, but that didn’t work either. Another tutorial suggested Vaseline, so I might try that next time. For this first try, I just let the polish coat my entire finger, and cleaned it later. That’s not too big of a problem, because I’ve been using this apparatus as a top coat:

So when the top coat cured, I just swiped acetone all over my fingers to clean the excess polish, and the watermarbling remained intact! Unless I missed a spot with the top coat…but I’m practicing to get better at this.

Final product:

I’m sooooo happy with the way this experiment turned out. And the possibilities with watermarbling are endless! I can use different colors for the base coats, different combinations of colors…and it will always be a unique manicure.

Have you tried water-marbling? Any other tips for me?

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