beauty and fitness

Making Health A Priority in your Life

Making health a focus in your life is always a positive change to make. Whether it is due to a medical diagnosis, poor health or simply a desire to change how you live, putting your health first and foremost will only benefit you in the long run.


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But what are the best areas to focus on to help you put your goals into place for the long term to benefit you and build a strong foundation for life?


Exercise is essential for everyone. we all need to be active in one way or another. It can be something small like going for a walk for 15 minutes per day. Anything that gets you moving and active can build a basis for further exercise and get you on the right track.

It can be tempting to go all-in and throw yourself into a new and extreme workout regime. Whilst this can be a positive thing for some people, most people’s enthusiasm will wane after a couple of months and this runs the risk of landing you back at square one. 

Accept your limitations and slowly build up from regular gentle exercise to a more vigorous routine once you have established a regular and consistent exercise pattern. This will help you to maintain your new regime for longer and make it a healthy habit you can carry for years to come.

Self Care

Self-care is a priority when it comes to making changes to your health. It simply means looking after yourself and taking the time to give yourself what you need when you need it. This is especially important for people who are on the go all the time.

Throw any misconceptions you have about self-care out of the window. It isn’t selfish. It isn’t taking care of yourself at the expense of others. Self-care is giving your body what it needs.

This could be taking a 15-minute break to relax or read a book each day. A hot bath in peace or catching up with friends for a well-deserved chance to relax and have some fun. For others, it could be a gym session, a wellness retreat, holiday or even visiting a female plastic surgeon to help correct something that has been affecting their health, self-esteem or mental health.


We can’t really discuss changing your health without touching upon your diet. After all, you are what you eat as they say. This doesn’t mean you need to go on a diet. More than you need to look at the foods you eat in your daily diet and making healthier more nutritious choices.

Whether this means a complete overhaul to eliminate junk food, going vegan or simply making some conscious healthier food swaps. You can control what you eat and make better-informed choices to give your body everything it needs to be as healthy as possible.

Don’t forget the water. Your body needs at least 2 litres of water each day and it is essential to be able to keep up with you on a day to day basis.


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