beauty and fitness

How To Choose The Best Gym For First-Time Gym Goers

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Are you looking to join a gym for the first time? It’s a pretty big step, and it’s a fantastic way to help you get into good fitness habits. A gym membership almost holds you accountable as you will waste money by not going! Of course, there are lots of gyms out there, so how do you choose the right one for you? Here are a few tips to help you out: 

Think about your fitness goals

What are your goals? Do you want to improve your strength and get bigger muscles, or are you focusing more on weight loss? This is important as it lets you know what to look for in the perfect gym. People who care a lot about strength training may want a gym that has lots of weightlifting equipment. Those of you that only care about weight loss will need plenty of cardio equipment or gyms that have cardio classes every day. Or, if you want a combination of the two, then you need a gym that offers both of these things in abundance. 

Try and get a guest pass

It’s always a good idea to try a gym before you commit to it. After all, most gyms either make you pay for a full membership up-front or stick you on a rolling contract. So, it helps if you know whether or not the gym will be right for you. Plenty of commercial gyms, like Fitness 19, will offer free guest passes to new people. In essence, this lets you try the gym for a day and see how all the facilities stack up. Go around to multiple gyms in your area and try this, it’s a great way of getting a feel for a place before committing. 

Look at the location

For me, the location of your gym is essential. I would even say it makes sense to pay extra for a gym membership if the gym is in an excellent location. The ideal place for a gym is somewhere that’s a short journey from your home or workplace. The further away your gym is, the less motivation you have to go there. But, if it’s a ten-minute walk away, then you’re more inclined to go as often as you like. 

Consider the qualifications of the staff

Lastly, you should look at how qualified the staff are at the gym. Ideally, there should be gym instructors with the correct training behind them. You should also see personal trainers that have the correct qualifications. Why is this important? As a newbie, you’ll have plenty of questions to ask about training and fitness. You need help working the machines and performing certain exercises. So, you need to ensure that you’re getting assistance from people who are qualified to do so. Most gyms should have a website with a page on their team. Check for any qualifications here. If you see none, then it’s a bit worrying. 

There you go, these tips will help you find the perfect gym for you to begin your fitness journey. It may seem scary, but you’re making a positive step in your life! Finding the right gym can make a world of difference as you need to feel comfortable when working out.

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