beauty and fitness

The Perfect Complexion Is Within Your Grasp

If you think that the only way to get a perfect complexion is to cake your face in makeup and apply an Instagram selfie filter, then you’re mistaken. Having great skin isn’t just something for the elites – it’s one of life’s joys that the vast majority of people can achieve. 

Your complexion is mostly a reflection of your lifestyle. Thus, the more you improve your daily habits, the more beautiful your skin will look. Here’s how to get glowing skin. 

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Stop Eating Pro-Inflammatory Foods

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered why your face looks so red and blotchy? Eighty per cent of the time, it is because your skin is inflamed by the foods you put in your body. 

Pro-inflammatory foods include meat, fish, eggs, dairy, sugar, and products containing white flour. High salt foods are also damaging because they harm the tiny blood vessels that keep the skin supplied with nutrients. 

Anti-inflammatory foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and beans. When you switch your diet, you’ll notice a profound change in the space of just a couple of weeks. People will immediately begin commenting on how good you look, and how much younger you appear. 

Get Professional Treatment 

You can’t, of course, solve all skin problems with diet alone, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options – you absolutely do. 

You can treat acne scars, for instance, by going to a dermatologist who offers laser therapy. The laser etches away the skin, forcing it to grow back new, but without the same mottled appearance. 

You can also get interventions for wrinkles and redness, such as microdermabrasion. This treatment – and others like it – shock the skin into action, forcing the body to regenerate cells and reduce the appearance of fine lines. 

Watch Your Indoor Sun Exposure

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Most women are used to the idea slapping on the SPF every time they step outside the house. But some still expose themselves indoors. 


The main culprits are skylights and working next to windows in direct sunlight. Remember, most windows in your home do nothing to mitigate UV radiation. 

Aside from ageing itself, UV exerts the most damage on your skin. The reason for this is that it damages it at a fundamental level. It attacks the machinery that reads the DNA, causing it to malfunction. Over time, you wind up with wrinkles that make you look older than your years. 

Check Your Cleanser

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If you’re doing everything right so far, then you may want to check your cleanser. The purpose of these products is to make it easier for you to remove excess makeup, but sometimes they can backfire. By their nature, many contain soap-like ingredients that remove oil from your skin. Eventually, your skin looks dry and withered. 

Likewise, you may also want to check your shampoo and hair products. Your first port of call should be water-based hair products as these do not contain oils or other waxes that can clog pores and create acne. If you’re prone to breakouts, avoid beeswax. 


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