beauty and fitness

No Time For the Gym? No Problem!

Sure, working out feels great and all that but it’s definitely a struggle to put those shoes on, head out the door, and actually get started. It may, in fact, be seen as the greatest challenge to getting fit or losing weight as most of us tend to enjoy the activity as soon as we get started and we certainly feel a lot happier after the workout as well.


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Let’s beat this common problem once and for all so that you never need to hear that excuse from yourself ever again. Here is a handful of ways to get a bit of exercise done at least three days a week. Try to increase this number to five after some time, though, but remember to keep it short and sweet, to begin with.

It just makes it a bit easier to stick with your plans of a more active you in 2019 and avoid falling off the wagon within the first month.

Day 1: Yoga at home

While the most eager yoga enthusiasts swear to practice every single day, you can steal some of their easier routines for your first day of exercise. Yoga at home is something everyone can do and you don’t even need a mat or proper workout clothes – if you live alone, you don’t really need any clothes at all so don’t let this hold you back from getting started.

The great thing about yoga when you’re new to exercising is that it’s easy to adjust it to suit all levels and, with the focus brought inwards, its slow and steady flow makes it natural for you to listen to your own body.

Slow down if you’re struggling to keep up with the flow of your breath, hold the position for a bit shorter if it feels too heavy, and tell yourself that you can always increase the intensity on your next workout. Have a look at this article right away to get started and you’ll never look back.

Day 2: A quick jog

Yoga is great in terms of building muscles, stretching, and sculpting yourself a nice and lean body, but unless you move and breathe a bit faster, it doesn’t really have any cardiovascular benefits.

That’s why you should treat yourself to a quick jog on your second day of exercise; push yourself to do twenty minutes, for example, so that it’s long enough to get your body into an anaerobic mode but still short enough to get you started.

If you absolutely dread jogging outside, you should consider getting a folding exercise bike which you can either bring with you or just keep at home. That way, you’ll be able to get your cardiovascular workout on without actually having to leave your home – and you can simply fold it up and bring it with you if you’d like to use it somewhere else.

Day 3: High-intensity circuit training

On your third day, you might feel brave enough from your previous workout success to try a combination of strength exercise and cardio. A high-intensity circuit workout will certainly get your blood pumping and your muscles aching but you can do it at home, and you don’t really need any equipment at all.

Start by either warming up on that bicycle, go for a quick jog, or just do a round of jumping jacks to warm up before you complete the workouts in this article. Try to find a few different ones as well, though, to mix it up a bit and keep yourself from getting bored.

Promise yourself to get through these three workouts each and every week, stretch yourself to do five days eventually, and you can start to look forward to the smug feeling of being someone who actually does exercise – instead of just talking about it.


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