beauty and fitness

Saturday Shout-Out: Blogs I’ve been reading

Happy Saturday everyone! No hiking for me today since I wasn’t keen on hiking in plena sol. It’s March! It shouldn’t be this hot yet! But tomorrow it’s about 10 degrees cooler so I’ll plan for that.

Today I’ve been lazing around the house and reading blogs. Here are a few that I’ve been making sure to read every day:

  1. KTJ Weighing In – KTJ chronicles her weightloss goals and progress
  2. Love, Sarah K – Sarah K describes her blog “a personal memoir and lifestyle blog”
  3. The Vivienne Files – A great resource for planning outfits from a capsule wardrobe
  4. Laddered Tights – Louise is a young woman that blogs about beauty and fashion
  5. Paint the UK Pink – A beauty blog by a Wendy so of course it’s awesome

I’ve been up since 6am and all I’ve really accomplished is putting a ton of ebooks on my library wishlist. And I made a peanut butter sandwich. I should get to de-cluttering since 유씨 wants to move this summer and I’ve accumulated a heck of a lot of crap stuff that I no longer need.

Have a great weekend lovelies!

One thought on “Saturday Shout-Out: Blogs I’ve been reading

  1. Thank you so much for the blog love! I really appreciate that you’ve been reading and I’m glad that you enjoy my blog! I hope you had a great weekend 🙂

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