beauty and fitness

Sunday Social – 5×5

How is  your weekend going? Mine alternated between errands and laziness – perfect!
It’s time for another Sunday Social! I know you have all waited patiently to learn these very important facts about me, so here we go!

Sunday Social

1. 5 songs you’ll listen to the rest of your life

Twilight Zone by Golden Earring – perfect song to ramp up a workout
La Barca by Luis Miguel
Rehab by Amy Winehouse. Actually, the entire Back to Black album
Awkward by Craig David
Tren al Sur by Los Prisioneros

2. 5 things on your bucket list

Visit Iceland
Learn to ride a bike so I can compete in a triathlon
Visit Botswana
Live in Mexico

3. 5 celebs you’d love to hang out with for a day

Ross Kemp
Craig David
Tony Horton
Shaun T
Suze Orman
(I’m sure there’s some sort of theme there but I’m not quite sure what it is yet)

4. 5 things you always carry on your purse

Lip balm or lip gloss
Bus pass

5. 5 books on your reading list Just 5?1 Impossible, but I have on hold at the library:
Corduroy Mansions by Alexander McCall Smith, and the following books in the series:
The Dog Who Came in from the Cold
A Conspiracy of Friends

And from the 44 Scotland Street Series, also by Alexander McCall Smith:
The Unbearable Lightness of Scones
The Importance of Being Seven

If you have a Sunday Social on your blog, please leave the link! I love these sorts of questions/answers.

I'd love to hear from you

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