beauty and fitness

Trusource Protein Products Review and Giveaway! CLOSED

Congratulations to Michelle for winning! I used to draw numbers, and her comment was the winner. Michelle, please contact me to get your prize!

Good morning friends! It’s a New Year, and I’m sure a lot of us are all about a New You, too. I know I’m working on my body, trying to get my workout mojo back. A huge part of getting in shape is fueling the body properly. That’s where this new line of Trusource protein products from Optimum Nutrition comes in…

Trusource Protein products review and giveaway with Protein+Energy, Protein Java, and Protein Water

Trusource very kindly sent me a trio of protein products to try out – Protein+Energy protein powder, Protein Java (a canned coffee drink with protein!), and Protein Water.

Protein+Energy: My current work project has l-o-n-g hours, so I took the tub to the office with me.  A scoop of powder has about the same caffeine as a cup of coffee, plus all the additional vitamins you’d find in a pre-workout drink. With 90 calories and 15 grams of protein, I feel like this is a great substitute for my second cup of coffee in the morning.

Protein Java: I had my annual physical last week, and I had to fast to get my blood drawn. That meant no coffee! No caffeine! But, no problem – I just put a can of Protein Java in my bag and cracked it open as soon as I left the lab. This drink is delicious and very satisfying.
Trusource Protein products review and giveaway with Protein+Energy, Protein Java, and Protein Water

Protein Water: Another good product to throw in my bag and consume when hunger hits. I got the Citrus Splash flavor and it was refreshing!

These products are exclusively at Kroger/Ralphs and I’ll be popping in for another tub of Protein+Energy, but you can have it delivered it to your door if you’re the lucky winner of our giveaway! [US only, thanks]

Enter by leaving a comment below! I’ll use a randomized to draw a winner on January 13.

Good luck!

34 thoughts on “Trusource Protein Products Review and Giveaway! CLOSED

  1. This is the first I’ve heard of a protein powder with caffeine. I also think this would make a delicious and healthy substitute for my morning coffee.

  2. I am always looking for something to give me a little more energy during the day. I would love to try this. I hope I win! 🙂

  3. I have never heard of Trusource until your review. Sounds like they offer some good products. I am especially interested in the Protein+Energy.

  4. I have been doing great with my workouts since new years and now I would like to add some protein products to my routine.

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